Bluebook more quickly and accurately with LawStar.
Just paste your URL, click "CITE", and let LawStar generate your citation for you.
LawStar's chrome extension will add buttons to your favorite research websites to let you click the button and get a citation right away.
Use it on Westlaw, LexisNexis, HeinOnline, JSTOR, and more.
LawStar will abbreviate any words that need abbreviating so you can stay out of the abbreviation tables.
Every journal should be using LawStar. This would’ve reduced my bluebooking by 10 hours per week.
I love LawStar - it's great at catching the little things that often go unnoticed in citations.
LawStar is free for all users!
Currently LawStar supports cases, books, periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.), and internet sources.
For more information on LawStar's capabilities, visit How LawStar Works.
Anybody who needs to create bluebook citations can benefit from this tool.
You might find this especially useful if you are a 1L writing a memo, or you are in a journal.
You're always going to be writing papers on your computer. No need to have it work on your phone.
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